Species showing noteworthy trends
This section provides a detailed analysis of taxa imported by the EU and candidate countries in 2011 that showed noteworthy trade patterns, according to one or more of the following criteria: high volume of trade in 2011, sharp increase in trade in 2011, overall increases or decreases in trade between 2002 and 2011, and long term variability in trade between 2002 and 2011. Where taxa are considered to be globally threatened or Near Threatened according to the IUCN Red List, this is taken into account as part of the high volume assessment. For more details of the selection process for species showing noteworthy trends, click here.
The table below lists the species selected for analysis; click on a species name to view a summary of trade 2002-2011. Where a species was selected in 2010, a shorter summary of trade is provided in this year’s analysis which includes details of the 2011 trade and any additional relevant information (e.g. SRG opinions) that is new since the 2010 summary was compiled. In the case of corals, summaries are only available for corals selected on the basis of trade reported at the species level; click here to view coral taxa selected on the basis of trade reported at the higher taxonomic level. More detail is provided for the remaining species, including information on the criteria met, the principal trade terms (trophies, skins, etc.), the principal source of imports (wild, captive-bred, etc.), the main EU/candidate country importers, the main trading partners exporting the species to the EU/candidate countries, and the CITES Appendix listing and IUCN Red List status of each species.
Annex | Group | Taxon | Common name | EU/Cand | IUCN Red List | Selection criterion |
A | Mammals | Panthera pardus | Leopard | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
A | Mammals | Monodon monoceros | Narwhal | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
A | Mammals | Equus hemionus hemionus | Mongolian Wild Ass | EU | Endangered (assessed as Equus hemionus) | High volume (globally threatened), sharp increase |
A | Mammals | Equus przewalskii | Przewalski's Horse | EU | Endangered | High volume (globally threatened), sharp increase |
A | Mammals | Ceratotherium simum simum (Annex A) | Southern White Rhinoceros | EU | Near Threatened | Sharp increase |
A | Mammals | Loxodonta africana (Annex A) | African Elephant | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
A | Birds | Haliaeetus albicilla | White-tailed Eagle | EU | Least Concern | Overall increase |
A | Birds | Struthio camelus | Ostrich | EU | Least Concern | Sharp increase |
B | Mammals | Hippopotamus amphibius | Hippopotamus | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Mammals | Pecari tajacu | Collared Peccary | EU | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Mammals | Tayassu pecari | White-lipped Peccary | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Mammals | Lycalopex griseus | South American Grey Fox | EU | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Mammals | Lynx canadensis | Canada Lynx | EU | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Mammals | Lynx rufus | Bobcat | EU | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Mammals | Panthera leo (Annex B) | African Lion | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Mammals | Lontra canadensis | North American Otter | EU | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Mammals | Ursus maritimus | Polar Bear | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Mammals | Pteropus vampyrus | Large Flying-fox | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Mammals | Equus zebra hartmannae | Hartmann's Mountain Zebra | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Mammals | Ceratotherium simum simum (Annex B) | Southern White Rhinoceros | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Mammals | Papio ursinus | Chacma Baboon | EU | Least Concern | Overall increase |
B | Mammals | Loxodonta africana (Annex B) | African Elephant | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Reptiles | Alligator mississippiensis | American Alligator | EU | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Reptiles | Caiman crocodilus crocodilus | South American Spectacled Caiman | EU | Least Concern (assessed as Caiman crocodilus) | High volume |
B | Reptiles | Crocodylus porosus (Annex B) | Estuarine Crocodile | EU | Least Concern | Overall increase |
B | Reptiles | Varanus niloticus | Nile Monitor | EU | - | High volume |
B | Reptiles | Varanus salvator | Water Monitor | EU | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Reptiles | Python brongersmai | Blood Python | EU | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Reptiles | Python regius | Royal Python | EU | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Reptiles | Python reticulatus | Reticulated Python | EU | - | High volume |
B | Reptiles | Chelonoidis denticulata | Brazilian Giant Tortoise | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Reptiles | Kinixys homeana | Home's Hinge-back Tortoise | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Reptiles | Testudo horsfieldii | Afghan Tortoise | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened), overall increase |
B | Fish | Scaphirhynchus platorynchus | Sand Sturgeon | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Fish | Polyodon spathula | Paddlefish | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Invertebrates (non-coral) | Ornithoptera croesus | Wallace's Golden Birdwing | EU | Endangered | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Invertebrates (non-coral) | Ornithoptera rothschildi | Rothschild's Birdwing | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Invertebrates (non-coral) | Hirudo medicinalis | Medicinal Leech | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Invertebrates (non-coral) | Tridacna maxima | Small Giant Clam | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Invertebrates (non-coral) | Strombus gigas | Queen Conch | EU | - | High volume |
B | Corals | Catalaphyllia jardinei | Elegant Coral | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened), sharp increase |
B | Corals | Euphyllia ancora | Anchor Coral | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Corals | Euphyllia divisa | Frogspawn Coral | EU | Near Threatened | Sharp increase |
B | Corals | Euphyllia glabrescens | - | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Corals | Plerogyra sinuosa | Bladder Coral | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened), sharp increase |
B | Corals | Duncanopsammia axifuga | Whisker Coral | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened), sharp increase |
B | Corals | Turbinaria reniformis | Yellow Scroll Coral | EU | Vulnerable | Sharp increase |
B | Corals | Caulastraea furcata | Finger Coral | EU | Not evaluated | Sharp increase |
B | Corals | Moseleya latistellata | - | EU | Vulnerable | Sharp increase |
B | Corals | Lithophyllon undulatum | - | EU | Near Threatened | Sharp increase |
B | Corals | Acanthastrea lordhowensis | - | EU | Near Threatened | Overall increase |
B | Corals | Acanthophyllia deshayesiana | - | EU | Near Threatened | Sharp increase |
B | Corals | Australomussa rowleyensis | - | EU | Near Threatened | Sharp increase |
B | Corals | Blastomussa merleti | Branched Cup Coral | EU | Least Concern | Sharp increase |
B | Corals | Cynarina lacrymalis | Cat's-eye Coral | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened), sharp increase |
B | Corals | Scolymia australis | Button Coral | EU | Least Concern | Sharp increase |
B | Corals | Mycedium elephantotus | - | EU | Least Concern | Sharp increase |
B | Corals | Goniopora stokesi | Flowerpot Coral | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Corals | Trachyphyllia geoffroyi | Crater Coral | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Plants | Galanthus elwesii | Greater Snowdrop | EU | - | High volume |
B | Plants | Galanthus woronowii | Green Snowdrop | EU | - | High volume |
B | Plants | Euphorbia antisyphilitica | Candelilla | EU | - | High volume, sharp increase |
B | Plants | Euphorbia primulifolia | - | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Plants | Aloe ferox | Aloe | EU | - | High volume, sharp increase |
B | Trees | Pericopsis elata | African Teak | EU | Endangered | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Trees | Prunus africana | African Cherry | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Trees | Aquilaria filaria | - | EU | Not evaluated | Sharp increase |
B | Trees | Gonystylus bancanus | Ramin | EU | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
C | Mammals | Antilope cervicapra | Blackbuck | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
C | Reptiles | Cerberus rynchops | Dog-faced Water Snake | EU | Least Concern | Sharp increase |
C | Reptiles | Graptemys ouachitensis | Ouachita Map Turtle | EU | Least Concern | Sharp increase |
C | Reptiles | Graptemys pseudogeographica | False Map Turtle | EU | Near Threatened | High volume (globally threatened) |
C | Reptiles | Mauremys reevesii | Reeve's Turtle | EU | Endangered | High volume (globally threatened), sharp increase |
C | Reptiles | Mauremys sinensis | Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle | EU | Endangered | Sharp increase |
B | Mammals | Hippopotamus amphibius | Hippopotamus | Candidate | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened), sharp increase |
B | Mammals | Lycalopex griseus | South American Grey Fox | Candidate | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Mammals | Lycalopex gymnocercus | Pampa Fox | Candidate | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Mammals | Lynx rufus | Bobcat | Candidate | Least Concern | Sharp increase |
B | Mammals | Lontra canadensis | North American Otter | Candidate | Least Concern | Sharp increase |
B | Mammals | Arctocephalus pusillus | Cape Fur Seal | Candidate | Least Concern | High volume |
B | Birds | Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae | Red-fronted Parakeet | Candidate | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Birds | Psittacus erithacus | Grey Parrot | Candidate | Vulnerable | High volume (globally threatened) |
B | Reptiles | Python reticulatus | Reticulated Python | Candidate | Not evaluated | Sharp increase |